Insurance & Finance

What is Health Insurance and how to choose the right Policy?

Many people ask why they should take health insurance. They will say that I take care of my health and drive safely. We do not invite any sudden illness, accident etc. It is understood that health insurance is required only when these kinds of problems occur. Why is health insurance important? It will help you solve your money problem in a difficult situation like an accident or baby delivery in your family. This kind of uncertain thing definitely requires health insurance.

You can know what kind of benefits are available in this health insurance. (1) Best available health care services. Depending on your inclusion and coverages, you will get various benefits like Doctor expenses, Surgical expenses and hospitalization. This includes tax on the premium you pay. (2) Peace of Mind. We have confidence that the insurance company will take care of whatever problem we have. This will reduce our costs. All these are the benefits of helath insurance.

Basic Benefits of Health Insurance:

(1). Hospitalization

(2). Prescription

(3). Laboratory Services

(4). Wellness Services

(5). Emergency Care

(6). Maternity

Everyone has a question when to take this health insurance. In today’s age, diseases are increasing and so are the costs. If you start taking Health Insurance from the age of 30 then you will be comfortable. When you take insurance from the age of 30, your premium will be lower and the coverage will be more. That is, when you take insurance at old age, your premium will be higher and the coverage will be less. Apart from that the chances of rejection are high.

There are basic policy types in Health Insurance. (1) Individual Health Insurance (2) Family Floater Health Insurance (3) Senior Citizen Health Insurance. In this, Individual health insurance means taking separate insurance for yourself. Family Floater Health Insurance is an insurance that covers everyone in your family. Senior Citizen Health Insurance is an insurance for your family members above 60 years of age only. Because people over 60 years of age are more likely to suffer from health problems.

Now how can we choose the right Health Insurance? If you want to take out health insurance, you should be clear about what our requirements are. First things first, you need to know.

(1). How big is your family and who needs insurance?

(2). You need to know the age of your family members and if they have any diseases like diabetes.

(3). How much insurance coverage do you need?

(4). What is your income and how much premium can you pay?

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